Thursday, May 31, 2007

ADA International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2007 Closes Today!

Just another quick note of ADA news, the 2007 International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest closes today! It's a chance to win one of several prizes: There will be one Grand prize of JPY1,000,000 (a little over $8,000!), one Gold prize of JPY300,000 (about $2,500), two Silver prizes of JPY100,000 (about $800), three Bronze prizes of JPY50,000 (about $400), twenty Honor prizes of JPY10,000 (about $80), and 100 Winning works which will receive a certificate. We should know the results in a few months and I'm really interested to see what new ideas and techniques spring up. In case you missed them, here are last year's Top 10 aquascapes.

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